Let’s Meet!
We gathered with Lowell Ministry Alliance and other Lowell community members on May 4th for the National Day of Prayer. It was beautiful to pause our busy days, come together as a community, and pray over seven major areas of our lives. Following the prayer service, we opened our doors to those at the service. Around thirty of us has a fabulous taco fiesta provided by a talented volunteer, we laughed, and we learned more about how Alpha Care Center strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities.
This fellowship was life-giving and the best part is that you don’t need to wait until next year to take part! If you are ever interested in learning more about Alpha Care Center, please reach out to us. We would relish the opportunity to answer your questions and show you the buildings God is using through us. This would be an excellent opportunity for your church group, family, or friends to learn more and we would love to meet you!

It’s Almost Here!
Please join us for Strides for Life 2023! The first of two of these events is on Saturday, June 3rd in Lowell. Walk, run, pray, pledge support…there are many options to get involved. We are even looking for a couple face-painters and volunteer photographers to help us enrich the day. Click the buttons to learn more details and to sign up!


Alpha Care Center offers hundreds of lessons through BrightCourse. Clients can complete lessons and earn points to spend in the Alpha Store to purchase what they need for their littles. Sounds pretty cool, right? If you are interested in more details, please reach out!

We would like to invite you to pray with us! Each month, we include a prayer calendar that is meant to prompt prayer for different topics relevant to our ministry. Check out June’s calendar by clicking the button below.