As we anticipate a summer of pregnancy center focus and increased need, we’ve created some opportunities for you to be involved in during this pivotal and historic time.
See below for more information about
Reach Her Billboard Campaign
Whoa Baby! Baby Bottle Campaign
Alpha Ambassador of Hope Program

Help us REACH HER! Clearly there is a lot of movement happening in our government that will directly effect our center, and we have been working hard to be prepared for an influx of need.
We want every pregnant woman to know that we exist and are ready to help her. One of our marketing strategies is an exciting billboard campaign. We invite you to “jump on board!” If you, your church, or your business would like to sponsor our first billboard, click here to donate. All sponsors will be thanked in our monthly updates, which reaches over 1000 people!

Stop by the center for a bottle to collect change! This is a great way for you to support the center as an individual or family project. You could even be a total rock star and create a campaign at your church or business. We can give you a tote of bottles to hand out at church and guidance for running a smooth campaign

Are you passionate about empowering women and families? Do you have the ability and heart to connect others with what we do here at Alpha Care Center? We are looking for committed individuals to help us promote our center and events. Our Alpha Ambassadors will help us network to reach more clients and supporters. Robin would love to give you more information and sit and chat about the program.