
Welcome Our New Development Assistant

Carrie Durr is excited to begin to fill the shoes of Abigail Guernsey as Development Assistant.  She and her husband Chip have a 3-year-old boy and twin 1-year-old girls.  Before volunteering at Alpha, Carrie worked as a financial advisor for 7 years.  She is also a passionate about cooking fancy foods, home renovation, and loves a good debate.


Looking for a good read?

Help Her Be Brave by Amy Ford, is a great read. With this book, you can discover your part in saving lives and find your pro-life passion.  Tap the image to buy the book.



Get Involved

Do you feel led to get involved with Alpha Care Center, but you’re not sure what it would look like? You’ve come to the right place. We have a need for more volunteers — and we are flexible! Whether man, woman, church group, behind the scenes, face-to-face with clients, periodically, or several hours a week — we could go on and on! There are so many variables we can work with to help you follow where you are led. To learn more just place a simple inquiry via, or call one of our locations.


Here are current and upcoming ways you can support Alpha Care Center:


It’s a BRIGHT day for clients!

One of our favorite ways to support clients, no matter what season of life they are in, is by encouraging them to participate in BrightCourse. You may have heard that clients can take parenting courses in order to earn points to spend in our Alpha Stores on items for their kids like formula or high chairs. Did you also know that we proudly offer hundreds of courses through BrightCourse and that the course topics aren’t limited to parenting? A few examples of other course categories include:

Life Skills

Examples include, “At the Interview,” “Credit Scores,” and “Screen Time And You.”


Examples include, “There Is Hope,” “Beyond Child Support,” and “Meetings and Handling the Handoff.”

Special Circumstances

Examples include, “Healing From Abuse,” “Choosing Marriage,” and “Relationship Loss.”

Bible Studies

Examples include, “Truth and Emotions,” “Receiving Jesus Savoir,” and “Forgiving From The Heart.”

How can you help?

  • Pray over our clients for continued motivation to learn and evolve as parents and individuals.
  • Share about this opportunity with any parents or soon-to-be parents that you know. There are no income checks or requirements to become a client at Alpha Care Center.
  • Consider becoming a monthly financial partner or increasing your monthly gift so that we can continue offering this education to individuals in  Lowell, Lake Odessa, and many surrounding communities.



Our events, like the Annual Ladies Luncheon, are an incredible opportunity for Alpha Care Center to strengthen its community. A great big THANK YOU to everyone who supported this event by praying, volunteering, donating auction items, and contributing financially! There were so many successes and it was evident that God was working through it all. The food was amazing, the talk was inspiring, the venue was welcoming, and we raised $8,847! Look for this event again next year!



Made New

Event Information:

Bring your friends and family and come join us on Saturday, March 16th for our annual Ladies Luncheon & Silent Auction! You will begin to dream of a beautiful spring where you watch many things around you be “Made New.” Each $25 luncheon ticket will benefit Alpha Care Center along with proceeds from the Silent Auction. 

There will be time to view and bid on auction items beginning at 11:30am. Our lovely meal will begin at 11:40am followed by the introduction of our new Executive Director, Stephanie Wellwood. 

We will end with more time to place your final bids on auction items.


Let’s Catch Up!

We trust that your 2024 is off to a great start! Marking these dates on your calendar will surely contribute to an exciting year. Each person that intentionally chooses to participate at our events is appreciated more than they know. We love seeing our extended Alpha Care Center family to catch up.

Join us!



Will you be a silent auction hero?

We are looking for donations to make this the most super silent auction yet!

This is a fantastic opportunity for you and your family, church, life group, coworkers, or business to work together and join in on the fun. All proceeds will benefit both Lake Odessa and Lowell communities by supporting Alpha Care Center.

For ideas or questions, contact Abigail at abigailg@alphacarecenter.orgrg


2023 Reflections

How was your Christmas holiday? I pray that you had the opportunity to spend time with family and friends and were able to reflect on Christ’s birth, the Savior of the World. As we wrap up 2023, I would like to share some reflections from our ministry at Alpha Care Center, but first, let me introduce myself.

I am the new Executive Director at Alpha Care Center. I have been serving at Alpha for almost 5 years, starting out as a volunteer client advocate and then moving into a leadership role helping to establish the Lake Odessa location. God has now opened the door – very wide – for me to now become the Executive Director. I am a wife and a mother, but most importantly, I am a Child of God.

Starting this new chapter in my life has given me reason to look more closely at the ministry we provide to the Lake Odessa and Lowell communities. Alpha Care Center exists to make a difference in the lives of men, women, and children in our communities. We empower them to make life changing decisions pertaining to unplanned pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption. We desire that each client hear about the love of Christ, be shown the love of Christ, and accept the love of Christ.

We start with compassion. We aim to bring clarity. We offer companionship. We help people find a community. We point all things to Christ.

In 2023 Alpha Care Center:

  • Performed 37 pregnancy tests.
  • Performed 43 ultrasounds.
  • Facilitated one (1) abortion pill rescue protocol.
  • Increased the average number of clients seen at both locations.
  • Served 124 unique client families.
  • Provided 610 earn while you learn (EWYL) appointments.

Alpha cannot do the work that God has laid before us without partners like you. The cost of services and material supplies has increased exponentially in 2023. Through your generous giving, Alpha Care Center was able to assist families with diapers, wipes, formula, clothing, etc. This past year we were able to provide over 20,000 diapers – at $0.40 a diaper . . . that’s over $8000 in diapers!!!

As we plan for 2024, we would like to end 2023 strong and start the new year off avoiding any budget shortfalls. Would you prayerfully consider a year-end gift of $5, $50, or 500 to aid Alpha in providing services to families seeking our support? Your gift is tax-deductible.  Perhaps you would like to commit to giving monthly through 2024. Monthly donations are easy to set up and allow us to budget, knowing your gift of support is on its way.

Unable to give financially? We have opportunities allowing you to tangibly serve. Please email me at to learn more about volunteering. Alpha Care Center has opportunities at both our locations that can fit your busy schedule.

Faithfully serving,

As our partner, we thank you for your prayers and support. Thank you for providing HOPE and supporting LIFE!

Stephanie Wellwood

Executive Director

Alpha CareCenter

Lake Odessa:616.537.4200



Alpha Care Center Announces New Executive Director

Alpha Care Center (ACC) of Lowell and Lake Odessa is excited to announce the appointment of Stephanie Wellwood as the new Executive Director. Stephanie has been an important part of the Alpha family for 5 years, starting initially as a volunteer Client Advocate. She was hired as the new Center Director for Lake Odessa at its opening and has been vital in getting the Lake Odessa location planted and growing. In the last year Stephanie has been the Program Director for both locations and has willingly stepped in as Interim Executive Director filling the position with excellence and zeal.

Stephanie brings a passion for sharing love and hope to families who need someone to support and encourage them. ACC is an outreach ministry of local churches sharing the love of Christ through affirming and promoting the value of life and strengthening the family unit. As Executive Director, Stephanie will continue to be an advocate for life in all stages and work toward sharing the love of God in our community.  

“I have been impressed with the fervor that Stephanie has poured into our clients and centers. She works hard to combine the professional and spiritual aspects of ministry and has maintained service to God as a priority. She is the perfect fit for Alpha,” says Vonda Mattson, Chairman of the Board.  

The ACC board believes that Stephanie’s managerial and organizational skills, combined with her strong leadership abilities will help ACC to deliver care and compassion to our communities and promote truth and life. Please join us in welcoming Stephanie to her new role

For more information, please contact Stephanie Wellwood via the center’s website


Join us in preparing for Client Christmas!

Would you be willing to adopt one of our families and shop from their list to take some of the pressure off of them this Christmas season and to shower them with love?

We are looking for several people to get involved in this way. If you cannot commit to this by yourself, we encourage you to partner with your church groups, coworkers, or extended family to work together to support our clients in this way.

Are you able to give the gift of your time?

We are looking for a few volunteers to help with the parties on December 13th in Lake Odessa or December 14th in Lowell.

If you can help, email Abigail at


The Be the Light Dinner was surely filled with light. Our sponsors, volunteers, venues, caterers, and servers set the stage for a beautiful evening. Carolyn Doyle, President of Life Matters Worldwide, shared a message that inspired us in this ministry and we hope inspired you as well. We heard from Christa Wetzel who shared amazing ways she has seen God work through this ministry over the past ten years while fulfilling her leadership role. We also gave Christa well-wishes in the next season of her life with a new calling for her and her family.

Support is beautiful because it comes in many forms and it entails a little (sometimes a lot) of self-sacrifice. Our supporters were the light of the world at our annual dinners earlier this month. We are incredibly grateful for all of it and we know our clients are too!


Pray With Us

Our purpose is to help make a difference in the lives of men, women, and children in our community! Through mentoring relationships, volunteers attempt to empower individuals and couples with information to help make life-changing decisions pertaining to an unplanned pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption. We desire that each client has the opportunity to hear about the love of Christ, to be shown the love of Christ, and to have the opportunity to accept the love of Christ. 

This is where you come in.

The most powerful way you can join us in this purpose is through prayer.

To learn more about what you can be praying for, download and/or print our monthly prayer calendar. You can expect it each month in our eNews. So, there’s no time like the present. Go ahead and get November’s prayer calendar below!


Executive Director Transition


Contact: Vonda Mattson, Board Member 616-329-0127

It is with sadness at our loss but also with cheerful understanding of her move that the Board of Directors of Alpha Care Centers announces the resignation of Christa Wetzel as Executive Director.

The Board of Directors recognizes Christa’s commitment to caring and effective leadership, as well as her role in moving the ministry forward in its service to family. “Christa has spent her 10-year tenure steadfastly dedicated to the ministry, to connecting with community to share our mission, and to fostering a spirit of welcome and acceptance to all. Under her leadership, the organization has matured and expanded its services to offer multifaceted support for family health. She has led the organization with grace and dignity, and she will be missed by all.”

In her communications with staff and volunteers Christa acknowledged that Alpha would always hold a special place in her heart. “I have been on quite a journey with Alpha and have been able to see God do amazing things. It is His ministry.” Christa acknowledges that her decision to move was not one made quickly or without thought and prayer. “God has a season and time for everything,” she shares, and adds that she will meet this new chapter with her typical trust and reliance on Him.

Christa’s exit and new position within her home community comes with the Board’s

support. “We love and highly respect Christa and are excited for her as she transitions to her home area in direct support of her community.” While we are saddened to see her go, we are excited for this next chapter of her life and are grateful for her years of service to the Lowell and Lake Odessa communities.

The Board of Directors has begun a new hire procedure. To read the full job description, including position submission deadline, select that option below.


When Clients Face Uncertainty

“I was a senior in high school when I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter. I knew I would need help learning how best to raise my daughter. Alpha Family Center helped me discuss my options as a parent, as well as additional classes once I made my option. I learned how to keep my child safe, use Godly discipline, and I had someone to talk to along the way of uncertainty. Along with taking classes I was provided with diapers, wipes, clothes, soap, and much more. I can not explain in words how much Alpha Family Center was a blessing to me and my family. Once I found out I was pregnant with my second child I reached out to Alpha Family Center for an ultrasound to ensure the baby was healthy and the appointment was flexible enough so my child’s father could attend as well. Today I have two healthy children and I am so glad there are resources like Alpha for parents that might need a little jump start to parenting.”


Registration is still open for the Lowell Dinner until Friday, October 6. Click below to get your registration in!


Pray With Us