Grace at the Well

There is now a new, engaging support group in the community for women facing unexpected pregnancies through West Cannon Baptist Church “We offer hope, community, and encouragement to unmarried pregnant moms and unmarried moms of newborns up to 6 months old in a 10 week support group format. Come to 8 of our 10 meetings and we will throw you a baby shower! Considering adoption? Our baby shower doubles as an adoption party, where we help equip you to meet your future goals.” We are pleased to have this on our radar as another resource for our clients. Stay tuned to learn about other resources made available to clients in future eNews updates!
Become an Ambassador of Hope

We are seeking to create stronger, more consistent connections within our communities and churches. We are looking for “Ambassadors of Hope!” Would you be willing to help us connect the dots?
For more details or to sign up, please contact Abigail at

Ladies Luncheon

Less than two weeks remain to register for the Ladies Luncheon!
Can’t make it this year? You can still get involved! We are accepting donations for the silent auction and are also still in need of sponsors to help cover the cost of the event. For more information please reach out to Abigail Guernsey at abigailg@abigail
RSVP at:
Please Consider Praying With Us
Click on the link below to view our daily prayer calendar.